Language Visits

Visit Components

Eye Tracking

An eye tracker is a camera that is attached to a laptop and tracks your child’s eye movement as they hear language and look at pictures of items that are common in the household (cookie, shoe, baby, dog). Your child will also see some funny new objects!


Brainwaves using EEG

What is EEG?

EEG is used to measure the natural electrical activity in the brain. When neurons in the brain communicate, they generate tiny electrical signals. When you or your child wear an EEG cap, it senses these signals. This is the same type of technology used for an EKG measuring the heart’s electrical activity.

Why EEG?

EEG is ideal for working with young children because it allows us to record brain activity while you engage with your child. These recordings are an important way for us to understand how you and your child’s brain relate to behavior and development, and how you communicate with their child. Mom and child both where special fabric caps that hold the EEG sensors. We place a small amount of saltwater gel similar to hair gel on each sensor to carry the signal from the head up to the sensors.

Is EEG Safe?

EEG is very safe.  It is completely non-invasive, meaning there are no medications, no needles, and no radiation or x-rays involved.  In our study, We are happy to answer all of your questions about safety.

What happens during the EEG visit?

EEG is part of the language visit. We will work closely with you to determine the best time to have you and your child come in for your visit.

You and your child will meet the research team. Our research team will help you and your child get comfortable and familiarized with our recording room. You and your child will sit together at a table. We offer toys and videos while you and your child while we put on your EEG caps. We usually place the cap on Mom’s head first, so the child can see how it works, and then place the hat on your child’s head. Once both Mom and child are wearing their caps, we will begin the recording. During the recording, you will watch videos and play with your child; this takes about 50 minutes. A member of the research team will be with you and your child in the EEG recording room at all times. The other team members will be in the control room next door to run the computer that collects the recording.

What happens if my child or I don’t want to participate in EEG?

We want to make sure that you and your child have an enjoyable experience and will do our best to accommodate both of your needs. We truly value your time and participation and understand that not all children are comfortable wearing the cap. If you or your child have your in braids that can’t be removed for the recording and would make washing the gel out difficult, we are happy to work with you to find an option that would work.